Wiara mężczyzny. Aspekty antropologiczne i duchowe

  • Adam Rybicki Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii
Słowa kluczowe: duchowość mężczyzny; różnice osobowościowe; rozwój duchowy


This paper attempts to provide the reader with an outlook on the spirituality of contemporary men. Firstly, the author describes how contemporary men are seeking their identity and manly spirituality. The paper pinpoints the roots of the reflection on the faith (spirituality) of men: the Bible, psychology, hagiography or fairy tales. Secondly, the author focuses on the personality-related differences between the male and female styles of spirituality. Thirdly, the most significant trends in the studies of male spirituality are presented: literature of the subject, formation of male groups and communities, various forms of retreats and male meetings, etc. Lastly, the profiles of selected male biblical figures are evoked, with emphasis on the distinctive features of each of them.


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