Wiara kapłana i jego dojrzałość duchowa
The maturity of the priests’ faith is closely related to his spiritual maturity, and his conscious participation in the Priesthood of Jesus Christ. In his relation to Jesus, the priest defines his identity, develops his bonds with God the Father and the Holy Spirit – that is with the Trinitarian God. Following Christ, the priest loves the community of the Church and all the people, as those for whom Christ died. The spiritually mature priest is capable of spiritual recognition to distinguish the inspiration of the Holy Spirit from the Satanic influences in his own heart, in the world and in the Church. Coming along the path of the faith means one has to trust and love God more and more, and accept the need for continuous growth.
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Wyszyński Stefan, List do moich kapłanów. Część druga: Wspólnie z Kościołem, Paris: Éditions du Dialoque 1969;
Wyszyński Stefan, List do moich kapłanów. Część trzecia: Wspólnie z moim biskupem, Paris: Éditions du Dialoque 1969.
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