Czy List biskupów Francji do katolików: Proponować wiarę w społeczeństwie aktualnym może być inspiracja dla Kościoła w Polsce? - antropologiczne i duchowe przesłanie

  • Stanisław T. Zarzycki Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Teologii
Słowa kluczowe: kryzys wiary; kryzys wartości ludzkich; rozeznanie; źródła wiary; doświadczenie wiary; liturgia; przepowiadanie; diakonia


This paper presents an analysis of the spiritual message sent by the French bishops to the French faithful in the Letter to the French Catholics: Proposing Faith to Contemporary Society. The author analyses the text in the anthropocentric perspective, giving the reader an insight into the axiological crisis in the French society. This helps explain why this society finds it difficult to open itself to spiritual, Christian values. At the same time, those aspects of the religious functioning that are still present in the French society are pinpointed as the assets on which the Church evangelization action should rely. Also discussed is the French crisis of the Catholic faith, and the methods that the episcopal Letter (composed by Claude Dagens, Bishop of Angouleme) suggests for overcoming the crisis. The need for the mobilization of the priests, more active prayer and apostolic associations and for the collective action of all the faithful is also emphasised. The change is only possible if the whole Church returns to the roots of the faith (the mystery of the Trinitarian God, Baptism, the Gospel and the sacraments); accepts a morality based on the experience of the faith, and not on the doctrinal law; preaches about salvation through Christ in a close relationship to the values of contemporary people; seeks power in her liturgy and in the service for the neighbour (diacony). The Letter can be inspirational for Polish Catholicism at the beginning of the Year of Faith. The author claims that the following elements of the Letter are worth pondering upon in the Polish context: (1) taking into account human experience in the time of axiological crisis; (2) a more integrated preaching of the Gospel, liturgy and the service for the neighbour; and (3) increased participation of the lay Catholics in religious communities, in order to shape one’s Catholic identity and to get engaged in the apostolic mission of the Church.


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