The pastoral care of the family ministry for the betrothed

  • Grzegorz Pyźlak The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Theology
Keywords: the betrothed; the engagement period; the family ministry; the institution of betrothal; notification of the intention to marry; the assistance in the period of engagement; the threats in experiencing the period of engagement; pastoral demands


Apart from the care for the families, the family ministry also deals with all the issues concerning the betrothed. The period of engagement is a special time that should be devoted to discussing the plans for the future such as: the choice of the place to live in, the duties of each spouse, the financial issues, the sexual issues, social life, leisure, bringing up children and preparing them for the responsible life in the light of their real vocation.

The proper, valuable and responsible experience of the engagement period helps to overcome the modern threats. These include: pairing among teenagers − to be „only” with each other, the premarital „trial” cohabitation and the improper promotion of experiencing the engagement period in the media.

The pastoral care of the family ministry for the future spouses is the action which will show them the appropriate way in order to help them to positively establish a successful marriage and family. The future spouses are supposed to decide to get married by an act of personal choice which should be well thought out, free and prayed for.


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