Searching for New Places for Catechesis in the Light of a French Catechetical Document

  • Ryszard Czekalski Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw
Keywords: places of catechesis; family; children; school; mass media; catechetical documents; catechesis in France


“The places for catechesis” is one of the catechetical issues that has been tackled by General Catechetical Directory. The issue is also addressed by national directories. It has been faced by French bishops in the document Texte national pour l’orientation de la catéchèse de France et principles d’organisation. The document was published in 2006. French bishops point to four main places where catechesis takes place: family, the youngest, school, other places where life goes on. The conclusion of the article is the following: the place of catechesis is where a modern Christian is. It is not a man who should search for places for catechesis, but catechesis itself, through its representatives, catechists, has to search for a man and reach him.


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