Modern Tendencies in German Religious Pedagogy

  • Radosław Chałupniak University of Opole
Keywords: German religious pedagogy; religion lesson; interreligious teaching; integrity of the issues; empirical research; correlation in religion teaching


Analyzing German pedagogical-religious publications that appeared in 2009, the author answers the question about the direction, in which modern German religious pedagogy is heading. Tendencies dominating in the works by German religious educationalists are subjected to assessment from the Polish perspective, among them being: understanding of religious pedagogy, the issue of interreligious teaching of religion, the integrity and correlation of the issues taught at school, or empirical research in religious pedagogy.


Chałupniak R.: Między katechezą a religioznawstwem. Nauczanie religii katolickiej w szkole publicznej w Niemczech w latach 1945-2000. Opole 2005.

Współczesna katecheza: kryzysy i nadzieja. Red. R. Chałupniak. Opole 2010.
