The Polish adaptation of the engagement in meaningful activities survey (EMAS)
This study aimed to determine the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Engagement in Meaningful Activities Survey (EMAS; B. Goldberg, Brintnell, & J. Goldberg), which measures engagement in meaningful activities, understood as activities that serve a purpose significant from a personal or cultural perspective. We present definitions of key concepts, previous research related to the survey, and preliminary research on the Polish version of the survey. The study was conducted on a sample of 237 individuals: employees of cultural institutions, care associations, and corporations as well as teachers working in special schools and high schools. The results indicate a high reliability of the tool (Cronbach’s α = .88). They also reveal relations between engagement in meaningful activities and variables such as meaningfulness of work (r = .65) and job satisfaction (r = .65), and differences across professions in the level of engagement in meaningful activities.
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