Grandparental social support and communication with peers as predictores of resilience in adolescents from single-mother families
In the research paradigm focused on the stress-loaded functioning of single-mother families it has been observed that the efficiency of coping with stress depends on many factors, among which social support is one of the most important. Research results show that a higher level of social support is usually associated with more positive indicators of the functioning of an individual. On the basis of this assumption it was expected that social support provided by grandparents would be a significant predictor of mental resilience in adolescent grandchildren from single-mother families – also in conditions differentiated by household type: living with or without grandparents. Studies performed on a sample of 278 adolescents with the Berlin Social Support Scales (BSSS), the Adolescent–Peer Communication Scale, and the Resilience Measurement Scale (SPP-18) have shown that grandparental social support is not the only predictor of adolescents’ functioning.
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