Preliminary psychometric characteristics of the Polish version of the Religious Commitment Inventory–10 (RCI-10 PL) by Everett Worthington and colleagues
The article presents the theoretical background and the psychometric properties of the Polish version of the Religious Commitment Inventory-10 (RCI-10-PL). Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted on two samples: 273 participants (Sample A) and 308 participants (Sample B). The results of the CFA showed an acceptable fit of empirical data to the one-factor and two-factor theoretical models, the latter model having a slightly better fit. Moreover, we obtained satisfactory values of the reliability coefficient. Cronbach alpha coefficients for the Polish version of the RCI scales ranged from .82 to .95. Test-retest reliability correlations ranged from .90 to .91 for a five- -week interval between ratings. We also found positive correlations between specific dimensions of RCI-10-PL and religious attitudes, ethical sensibility, and focus on the achievement of harmony in life, which confirms the external validity of the instrument. The results of the analysis conducted on Polish samples are similar to the results obtained from American samples.
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