Religious support and religious struggle as predictors of quality of life in alkoholics anonymous: Moderation by duration of abstinence
The aim of the study was to analyze the connection between religious comfort and struggle and quality of life in Alcoholics Anonymous. The interaction effect of the length of abstinence and religious variables on the quality of life was tested as well. The participants were 100 members of an Alcoholics Anonymous group. We used the Religious Comfort and Strain Scale by Yali, Exline, Wood, and Worthington and the Quality of Life Questionnaire for Adults by Schalock and Keith. The correlation analysis showed that Religious Comfort correlated positively while fear–guilt and negative emotions towards God correlated negatively with quality of life in the AA group. Duration of abstinence played a moderating role: participants in the long abstinence period group with high religious comfort showed the highest level of quality of life.
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