The faces of religiosity in Poland
The phenomenon of religiosity is increasingly often explored by representatives of various scientific disciplines. This is particularly noticeable in the field of the psychology of religion. The issues of human religiosity have been attracting an increasing amount of interest among Polish scholars. The present article presents the main trends illustrating the development of interest in the phenomenon of religiosity in the field of psychology. Both Polish and international contexts are consid-ered. Additionally, the papers included in the special issue of Roczniki Psychologiczne (Annals of Psychology) are outlined. The special issue is devoted to the problems addressed by Polish psychologists interested in the phenomenon of human religiosity.
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Park, C. L. i Slattery, J. M. (2013). Religion, spirituality and mental health. W: R. F. Paloutzian i C. L. Park (red.), Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality (wyd. 2, s. 540-559). London: The Guilford Press.
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