On the system of continuing education in psychological assessment in Poland

  • Maja Filipiak University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw
  • Monika Tarnowska University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw
  • Bartosz Zalewski University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw
  • Władysław Jacek Paluchowski Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Keywords: psychological assessment; clinical assessment; assessment competencies; continuing education


The article is an invitation to a discussion on creating a continuing education system in the field of psychological assessment in Poland. This kind of learning is recommended in numerous documents relating to assessment practice, including the rules of obtaining EuroPsy – the European Certificate in Psychology. There is no coherent and commonly accessible system of learning and verifying assessment competencies in Poland. A degree in psychology alone is enough to be allowed to use all the assessment tools available. Research on the education of psychologists suggests that continuing education combined with clinical practice is the best way of developing assessment competencies. In this context, the article addresses a number of problems – and questions derived from them – that focus on the task of organizing such a system in Poland.


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