Selected personal and environmental aspects important in dealing with a catastrophe: Flood victim research report

  • Łukasz Zaborek Department of Personality, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: ecological disaster; flood; coping; stress


The article discusses longitudinal psychological examinations of victims of the flood that struck the County of Wilków in the Lubelskie Province, Poland, in 2010. Due to the multifaceted character of the research project, only a part of it is presented here, concerning the psychological and environmental variables significant in coping with the effects of the flood. The obtained results, illustrating the subjective importance of the domains described as well as the changes that occurred between 6 and 18 months after the flood, were interpreted in the context of coping with the effects of an ecological disaster. The paper describes the main theoretical conclusions emerging from the research and practical implications for activities connected with broadly understood crisis intervention.


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