The internal structure of the Polish adaptation of the Religious Comfort and Strain Scale

  • Beata Zarzycka Department of Social Psychology and Psychology of Religion, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: religious comfort; religious struggle; measure of religiosity


The aim of this article is to present the theoretical background and internal structure of the Polish adaptation of the Religious Comfort and Strain Scale (RCSS) by Yali, Exline, Wood, and Worthington. Exploratory Factor Analysis showed that the Polish adaptation of RCSS has four factors: it consists of a one-dimensional Religious Comfort subscale and three subscales regarding religious strain: (1) Negative emotions toward God, (2) Fear-Guilt and (3) Negative social interactions surrounding religion. The scale’s reliability and construct validity are satisfactory. Although further research is needed, it may be assumed that this tool can be used successfully in research on the functional aspects of religion.


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