The virtual space of contemporary psychology

  • Katarzyna Markiewicz Institute of Psychology, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University
Keywords: virtual space of research; time comfort; intellectual effort; multiauthor publications


Professor Brzeziński’s paper provokes two conclusions. The first one concerns the argumentation, which is matter-of-fact, competent, and therefore difficult to argue with. The second conclusion concerns the question of what is important in our thinking about Polish psychology. Nowadays, taking a local point of view on any scientific discipline raises considerable doubts – especially as the work of both researchers and practicing psychologists is evaluated in accordance with universal and international standards. This is a consequence of changes that we have experienced during the last decades in many fields, including the way of conducting research. As pointed out by Professor Brzeziński, those standards certainly enable objective and standardized evaluation of university teachers, but they also create a possibility of cheating and other misconduct in research work. One of the reasons is the fact that parametric criteria are suitable for evaluating manual labor rather than research work. A remedy might be the possibility of publishing research papers in open-access websites, provided that they are peer-reviewed.


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