Not everything can be decreed

  • Dariusz Doliński University of Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty in Wrocław
Keywords: scientific misconduct; FFP (fabrication; falsification; plagiarism); morality


The struggle against pathology in the form of plagiarism or data falsification is undoubtedly necessary. However, limiting such efforts to building a system of control will turn this struggle into a cops-and-robbers game played by controllers and dishonest scientists. In this kind of game, the robbers will prevail sooner or later. Institutional solutions should therefore lead to building a system enabling open access to raw data and making it possible to publish results in which no statistically significant differences were found between conditions. What is even more important is organic work in the academic community and the realization that dishonesty will hit all of us.


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Johnson, W. (1937). Euphoric and depressed mood in normal subjects. Part I. Character & Personality, 6(2), 79-98.
Wojciszke, B. i Baryła, W. (2005). Kultura narzekania, czyli o psychologicznych pułapkach ekspresji niezadowolenia. W: M. Drogosz (red.), Jak Polacy przegrywają, jak Polacy wygrywają (s. 35-51). Gdańsk: Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne