Adjective markers of Polish indigenous lexical personality factors: A peer-rating study

  • Oleg Gorbaniuk The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Institute of Psychology
  • Natalia Szczepańska Trinity Recruitment Poland
  • Monika Suchomska Glasgow Caledonian University, Department of Psychology
  • Ana Ivanova The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Institute of Psychology
  • Milena Zygnerska The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Institute of Psychology
Keywords: peer-rating; psycholexical approach; the Big Six


Studies of other people’s personality trait perception have been of marginal significance in the psychology of personality. Such studies usually use tools developed specifically for self-rating research. Similar studies in social psychology are limited to a high level of abstraction. On the basis of earlier Polish peer-rating psycholexical studies, a six-factor structure of dispositional adjectives has been observed, different from the structure obtained in self-rating studies. The purpose of the current study was to construct scales enabling the measurement of the adjective markers of Polish lexical personality traits based on the Big Six in a peer-rating study. Another purpose was to examine the psychometric properties of the constructed scales and identify the most important correlates. The participants were 383 people, with age ranging from 16 to 83 years. The constructed 48-adjective list allows to measure the axial traits of the Polish lexicon: Agreeableness, Impulsiveness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Resilience, and Intellect. Coefficients of internal consistency and stability reached satisfactory values.


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