Boundaries of spirituality - the second perspective - Spiritual Sphere Questionnaire

  • Katarzyna Skrzypińska Institute of Psychology, University of Gdańsk
  • Karol Karasiewicz Institute of Psychology, University of Gdańsk
Keywords: spirituality; spirituality measurement; personality; attitude


Studying the human spiritual sphere presents numerous methodological problems. So far, it has been much easier to study religiousness, which has more unambiguous documented behavioral indicators. However, researchers do make attempts to investigate the spirituality phenomenon empirically. The article describes the process of constructing as well as the parameters of the Spiritual Sphere Questionnaire (KSD), developed as a result of three years of research on women and men (N = 1381). The results obtained using KSD reveal the expected positive correlations with the established measures of related phenomena – religiousness, openness to experience, etc., which may testify to the tool's high validity. The method turned out to be a tool stable in time and reliable, with four characterizing clusters: (1) State of Spiritual Sphere, (2) Dynamics of Spiritual Sphere, (3) Aspirituality, and (4) Absence of Relation With a Higher Power. KSD constitutes an effective measurement solution, especially for adults (aged above 30). Combined with the methods functioning in science, it complements the picture of spirituality with a qualitative description.


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