Burnout syndrome in male and female gestalt and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapists

  • Marcin Rzeszutek Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Finance and Management in Warsaw
Keywords: burnout syndrome; gender; Gestalt psychotherapy; cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy


The objective of this article is to investigate gender differences in the level of professional burnout among male and female Gestalt and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapists according to the length of professional experience as a covariate. The study was conducted on 200 participants: 100 Gestalt psychotherapists and 100 cognitive-behavioral psychotherapists. The results show a positive relationship between the length of professional experience and the level of burnout in the whole group of psychotherapists. Additionally, it has been shown that the level of burnout in the male psychotherapists’ group was significantly higher than the intensity of symptoms in the female group. The difference in the intensity of burnout symptoms between the Gestalt therapists and cognitive behavioral therapists was not statistically significant.


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