The impact of self-threat and personal engagement on distortions of memory reports

  • Malwina Szpitalak Jagiellonian University in Kraków
  • Romuald Polczyk Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Keywords: memory; misinformation; eyewitness testimony; engagement; motivation; self-threat; engagement


The main aim of the presented experiment was to verify whether self-threat and low engagement influence memory processes of eyewitnesses, including their susceptibility to misinformation. The results replicated the eyewitness misinformation effect. Also, according to the hypotheses, high engagement and self-threat resulted in better memory, enhancing the performance of non-misled participants. However, the hypotheses stating that self-threat and engagement influence the susceptibility to misinformation were not confirmed. The enhancement of memory of non-misled subjects was interpreted in terms of increased motivation to self-protecting and more careful processing of the material to be remembered. The lack of relationship between self-threat, engagement and the susceptibility to misinformation could be due to the fact that self-threat and engagement act oppositely: on the one hand, they enhance the memory of the original event, but they also increase the memory of misinformation. Thus, no general effect is present.


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