Moral development and criminal behaviour

  • Dorota Czyżowska Jagiellonian University in Kraków
Keywords: criminal behaviour; moral development; moral thinking; moral behaviour


In the search for the reasons why some people commit criminal acts, disturb social order, cause harm to others and pose a menace to public well-being, the centrepiece of much of psychological research has increasingly become moral development and its significance for social behaviour. Moral immaturity, defined as moral development halted at its early stages with a concomitant lack of perspective taking (beyond one’s own egocentrism), has been identified in the moral development research as one of the culprits of aggressive and criminal behaviour by facilitating disregard for law, moral principles and social codes of conduct. In this paper, I will attempt to highlight the possible associations between moral development and criminal behaviour. I will refer to relevant theories in order to provide an explanation of this relationship and include results of empirical research that confirm it.


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