Characteristics of self-consciousness and intensity of depressive symptoms

  • Aleksandra Pilarska Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Keywords: paradox of self-consciousness; self-consciousness; depression


The issue of this article is to examine the relation between forms of self-consciousness and depression. It presents studies of a normal sample of 76 students and clinical sample of 15 patients with depression. Self-consciousness Scale (Zaborowski, 1989) has been used to assess forms of selfconsciousness and Center for Epidemiological Studies - Depression (Radloff, 1977) has been used to measure depression. There are two main goals of the research: 1) distinction of typological groups of healthy controls in context of self-consciousness variables; 2) description of changes in intensity of depressive symptoms in relation to the types of self-consciousness structure differentiated. The cluster analysis has shown 3 types of self-consciousness structures which differ with respect to the all forms of self-consciousness as well as to the level of depressive symptoms. It has also turned out that the most depressive self-consciousness structure differentiated was similar to the one of patients suffering from depression.


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