Future prospects

  • Piotr Szarota SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw


The author identifies three main themes, which seem crucial in the present discussion: the cultural universality of the Five Factor Model, its diagnostic utility and possible directions of the future research. Regarding the universality of the model it has been pointed out that there is apparently no consensus between researchers themselves on that matter. The proponents of the lexical approach to personality like Goldberg or De Raad are much less eager to claim universal status of the Big Five than Costa, McCrae and other proponents of “psychometric tradition”. However as the author concluded the universality and cultural relativity may not necessarily be seen as the mutually exclusive concepts, at least in the personality research. Regarding diagnostic utility of the model, author softens his former critical stance and points to the diversity of the new instruments, which are also available in Poland. Regarding the future of the Big Five research it has been pointed that apart of the new lexical projects or cross-cultural comparisons there should be even more stress put on the development of the model into the advanced and sophisticated personality theory.


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