The attitude towards death in sport extreme risk takers

  • Piotr Próchniak Pomeranian University in Slupsk
Keywords: risk taking; attitude towards death


The objective of the study was to analyze the attitude towards death in sport extreme risk takers and the control group. The sample consisted of 83 sport extreme risk takers (mountain climbers; parachutists; wind– and kitesurfers; and divers) and 134 persons not engaging in any risky sports activity. The Attitude Towards Death Scale was administered to the subjects. The scale consisted of six dimensions: death anxiety; the preferred type of death; the belief about controlling death; contemplation of death; faith in life after death and paranormal beliefs about death. The following four variables discriminated best between the extreme risk takers and control group: the preferred type of death, the belief about controlling death, contemplation of death and paranormal beliefs about death.


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