Selected emotional disturbances following right hemispheric stroke

  • Michał Harciarek University of Gdańsk
  • Krzysztof Jodzio University of Gdańsk
Keywords: stroke; right hemisphere; emotion; post-stroke depression; secondary mania; perception of emocional prosody; percetion of facial affect


The brain substrates of individual emotional processes and of their disorders are relatively poorly known. The objective of this study was evaluation of selected emotional disturbances following ischaemic stroke of the right hemisphere. The state of affect as well as the capability of visual and auditory recognition of emotion were characterised.

30 patients after the right hemispheric stroke and 31 healthy subjects took part in the study. The following instruments were utilised in the study: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (Zigmond, Snaith, 1983), Mania Scale (Pużyński, 1979), Emotional Prosody Test from The Right Hemisphere Language Battery (Bryant, 1995; Łojek et al., 2000) and Facial Affect Recognition Test (Ekman, Friesen, 1976).

In patients with damage to the right hemisphere of the brain, emotional disorders of depressive and manic nature of varying severity were observed. A strong association was found between receptive prosody and the ability to recognice facial affect. The dissociation of emotional differentiation disorders was found with respect to the analysed modalities: visual recognition of joy and auditory recognition of sadness caused the least problems.

This study demonstrates the association between affective disturbances with right hemisphere damage. The results suggest an non-specific common machanism of emocional perception whose course is dependent on the content specification of a stimulus.


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