The relationship between empathy and experience – narrative experimental studies

  • Jolanta Tomczuk Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: empathy; significant personal events; Self-Confrontation Method; types of experiences; narrative experimental studies


The goal of this study is to answer the question concerning the relationship between empathy and a range of significant personal events in the individual's past, presence or future 30 students took part in this exploratory study. The narrative method becomed transform in experimental research. The Herman's Self-Confrontation Method was used to measure subjects' experiences and the accuracy of their empathic understanding in relation to other peoples' experience. Davis' Interpersonal Reactivity Index was used to categorize subjects in terms of their varying levels of empathy.

The results showed that people who have limited self-knowledge with regard to specific types of experiences do not have empathic understanding of others' experience. In contrast, individuals who in their system valued these types of experiences tend to understand them also in others. More empathic individuals possess more types of experiences and have greater understanding of these experiences in others, whereas less empathic individuals possess fewer types of experiences and do not accurately understand these experiences in others.


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