Attachment styles and parental attitudes: An empirical research

  • Piotr Marchwicki Salezjański Ośrodek Młodzieżowy, Poznań
Keywords: attachment theory; attachment styles; parental attitudes


The present study verifies in the Polish cultural context results of previously conducted studies in links between the attachment quality and the quality of parental care. Measures of insecure childhood attachment styles to both parents, secure and insecure adolescent attachment styles, along with measures of parental attitudes of both parents were completed by a sample of 85 secondary school students (54 girls and 31 boys). Insecure (avoidant and anxious / ambivalent) childhood attachment styles to mother correlated positively with rejecting and demanding maternal attitudes and negatively with loving, protecting and casual attitude. The same kind of links was observed: a) between insecure childhood attachment styles to father and paternal attitudes; b) between insecure adolescent attachment styles and parental attitudes of both parents. Secure adolescent attachment style correlated positively with loving, protecting and casual parental attitudes of both parents and negatively with rejecting and demanding attitudes. These results support the results obtained in studies conducted mainly in the Anglo-Saxon cultural context where similar links between attachment quality and quality of parental care were found.


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