Temporal competence – the method of measurement
Temporal competence are manifested in having knowledge about one's own past, presence, and future, and making use of its resources in coping with concrete circumstances. For this kind of competence, a factor tool of measurement has been worked out by the authors – a Questionnaire of Temporal Competence. The method consists of 64 items. in the result of the test six indicators are used: Life Openness, Sense of Life, Prospective Approach, Future Acceptance, Presence Acceptance, and a general indicator. The reliability of the method has been established in a group of 612 respondents – it is high. Diagnostic accuracy has been tested on the basis of 212 respondents tested by the following methods: W. Lens's Questionnaire of Future Temporal Perspective, E. L. Shostrom's Temporal Competence Scale, C. S. Nosal's and B. Bajcar's Questionnaire of Temporal Orientation AION-99, and A. Antonowski's Questionnaire of the Sense of Coherence SOC-29.
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