Introduction to the Special Issue Closer to Emotions

  • Paweł Kot John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Institute of Psychology, Lublin, Poland
  • Aneta Przepiórka John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Institute of Psychology, Lublin, Poland
Keywords: emotion, International Conference Closer to Emotions, emotions in various spheres of life, emotional expression


This special issue of the Annals of Psychology is dedicated to emotions. Despite many years of research on emotions, there are still many areas that require intensive scientific work. New questions and research problems emerge very distinctly when we are dealing with a dynamically changing reality in which we have to function, and no doubt this is what we are dealing with at the moment. This special issue contains articles on emotions, in which the authors—participants of the current and previous editions of the International Scientific Conference Closer to Emotions—adopt different theoretical perspectives and use different research paradigms to show the importance of emotions in various spheres of life. This multi-dimensional perspective corresponds to a wide spectrum of using psychological knowledge from the field of emotions in the modern world.


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