Towards a typology of conditionings

  • Andrzej Sękowski Catholic University of Lublin
  • Bogumiła Witkowska Akademia Świętokrzyska


The article contains the results of empirical studies concerning the diagnosis of social attitudes towards handicapped people and conditionings of these attitudes. By means of Sękowski's Scale of Attitudes Towards the Handicapped two extreme groups of people were selected: with negative attitudes and with positive ones. Next both groups were given a set of tests estimating the intelligence level, the level of creative abilities, preferences in the area of cognitive styles, preference of values and self-evaluation level. The study results revealed that people with positive attitudes towards the handicapped are characterized by higher intelligence, higher level of creative abilities, higher self-evaluation, they are more reflective, and they prefer social, moral, aesthetic and religious values. Factor analysis allowed distinguishing five factors that are predictors of positive attitudes and five factors that are predictors of negative attitudes towards handicapped people. This means that the type of the revealed attitude depends not only on individual personality traits but on configurations of those traits as well.


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