Tribute to Professor Piotr Francuz: Introduction to a Special Issue on Perception and Cognition
This special double issue of Annals of Psychology is dedicated to the memory of Professor Piotr Francuz (1960–2020). In this editorial, we introduce the person of the Professor and present the initiatives commemorating him that have taken place over the past year. One of his most significant achievements was the initiation of the Perception and Cognition Lab at KUL, where experimental neurophysiological and behavioural research has been conducted in various areas of cognitive psychology. These basic and applied studies are currently continued by the Professor’s associates. The current special issue contains articles on diverse topics in which the authors—his collaborators and friends—adopt various theoretical perspectives and apply distinctive paradigms. This multi-faceted perspective corresponds with the wide range of Prof. Francuz’s scientific interests.
Bałaj, B., Lewkowicz, R., Francuz, P., Augustynowicz, P., Fudali-Czyż, A., Stróżak, P., & Truszczyński, O. (2019). Spatial disorientation cue effects on gaze behaviour in pilots and non-pilots. Cognition, Technology & Work, 21(3), 473–486.
Borkowska, A. R., Francuz, P., Soluch, P., & Wolak, T. (2014). Brain activation in teenagers with isolated spelling disorder during tasks involving spelling assessment and comparison of pseudowords. fMRI study. Brain & Development, 36(9), 786–793.
Brzeziński, J. M., & Oleś, P. (2021). Piotr Francuz (1960-2020) – Pro memoria. Nauka, 1, 165–171.
Cudo, A., & Kopiś-Posiej, N. (2020). Wspomnienie o śp. Profesorze Piotrze Francuzie. Przegląd Psychologiczny, 63(4), 697–704. In memory of Professor Piotr Francuz. Przegląd Psychologiczny, 63(4), 705–712.
Fortuna, P., & Stróżak, P. (2021). Prof. Piotr Jan Francuz (1960–2020). Charaktery, 2(289), 6.
Fortuna, P., & Szewczyk, M. (Eds.) (2021). Piękno umysłów. Wydawnictwo Naukowe KUL.
Francuz, P. (1990a). Funkcja ilościowych i jakościowych cech w kategoryzacji przedmiotów. Unpublished master thesis.
Francuz, P. (1990b). The role of qualitative and quantitative dimensions in the categorization of objects. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 21, 213–225.
Francuz, P. (2001). Ksiądz profesor Zdzisław Chlewiński. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 4, 5–25.
Francuz, P. (2002). Rozumienie przekazu telewizyjnego. Psychologiczne badania telewizyjnych programów informacyjnych. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL.
Francuz, P. (2013). Imagia. W kierunku neurokognitywnej teorii obrazu. Wydawnictwo KUL.
Francuz, P. J., & Borkowska, A. R. (2013). Eye movement in isolated spelling disorder – an analysis using the dual route model of visual word recognition. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 26(6), 701–711.
Francuz, P., & Zabielska-Mendyk, E. (2013). Does the brain differentiate between related and unrelated cuts when processing audiovisual messages? An ERP study. Media Psychology, 16(4), 461–475.
Francuz, P., & Zapała, D. (2011). The suppression of the μ rhythm during the creation of imagery representation of movement. Neuroscience Letters, 495(1), 39–43.
Francuz, P., Zaniewski, I., Augustynowicz, P., Kopiś, N., & Jankowski, T. (2018). Eye movement correlates of expertise in visual arts. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 87.
Fudali-Czyż, A., Francuz, P., & Augustynowicz, P. (2018). The effect of art expertise on eye fixation-related potentials during aesthetic judgment task in focal and ambient modes. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1972.
Fudali-Czyż, A., & Tużnik, P. (2020). Professor Piotr Francuz (1960-2020). Roczniki Psychologiczne, 4(23), 385–391,
Hohol, M. (2020). Piękny umysł. Tygodnik Powszechny, 47, 11.
Jankowski, T., Francuz, P., Oleś, P., & Chmielnicka-Kuter, E. (2020a). The effect of temperament, expertise in art, and formal elements of paintings on their aesthetic appraisal. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 14(2), 209–223.
Jankowski, T., Francuz, P., Oleś, P., Chmielnicka-Kuter, E., & Augustynowicz, P. (2020b). The effect of the paintings beauty on eye movement. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 16(3), 213–227.
Jaśkiewicz, M., Augustynowicz, P., Cudo, A., Fortuna, P., Fudali-Czyż, A., Kopiś-Posiej, N., Stróżak, P., Szewczyk, M., Szubielska, M., Tużnik, P., Wojtasiński, M., Zabielska-Mendyk, E., & Zapała, D. (2021). Nie, no tak..., czyli droga do prawdy z Piotrem Francuzem. In P. Fortuna & M. Szewczyk (Eds.), Piękno umysłów. Wydawnictwo Naukowe KUL.
Kołodziej, M., Majkowski, A., Francuz, P., Rak, R. J., & Augustynowicz, P. (2018). Identifying experts in the field of visual arts using oculomotor signals. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 11(3).
Krzys, K., Francuz, P., & Castelhano, M. (2021). Where do I go from here?: Spatial navigation strategy and disorientation when switching environments. Journal of Vision, 21, 2804.
Lewkowicz, R., Fudali-Czyż, A., Bałaj, B., & Francuz, P. (2018a). Change detection flicker task effects on simulator-induced spatial disorientation events. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 89(10), 863–872.
Lewkowicz, R., Stróżak, P., Bałaj, B., Francuz, P., & Augustynowicz, P. (2018b). Selective auditory attention and spatial disorientation cues effect on flight performance. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 89(11), 976–984.
Lewkowicz, R., Stróżak, P., Bałaj, B., & Francuz, P. (2019). Auditory verbal working memory load effects on a simulator-induced spatial disorientation event. Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 90(6), 531–539.
Lewkowicz R., Bałaj B., & Francuz P. (2020). Susceptibility to flight simulator-induced spatial disorientation in pilots and non-pilots. The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 30(1–2), 25–37.
Oleś, P., Chmielnicka-Kuter, E., Jankowski, T., Francuz, P., Augustynowicz, P., & Łysiak, M. (2021). Personal meanings inspired by the beauty of paintings. Art & Perception, 9(1), 90–111.
Stróżak, P., & Francuz, P. (2016). Event-related potential correlates of attention to mediated message processing. Media Psychology, 20(2), 291–316.
Stróżak, P., Francuz, P., Augustynowicz, P., Ratomska, M., Fudali-Czyż, A., & Bałaj, B. (2016). ERPs in an oddball task under vection-inducing visual stimulation. Experimental Brain Research, 234, 3473–3482.
Stróżak, P., Francuz, P., Lewkowicz, R., Augustynowicz, P., Fudali-Czyż, A., Bałaj, B., & Truszczyński, O. (2018). Selective attention and working memory under spatial disorientation in a flight simulator. The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 28(1–2), 31–45.
Stróżak, P., Augustynowicz, P., Ratomska, M., Francuz, P., & Fudali-Czyż, A. (2019). Vection attenuates N400 event-related potentials in a change-detection task. Perception, 48(8), 702–730.
Stróżak, P., & Zabielska-Mendyk, E. (2020). In memoriam. Professor Piotr Francuz (1960–2020). Central European Journal of Communication, 3(27), 488–489.
Szewczyk, M., Augustynowicz, P., & Francuz, P. (2021). Abstracts and authors of the 8th International Conference on Spatial Cognition: Cognition and Action in a Plurality of Spaces (ICSC 2021). (2021). Cognitive Processing, 22(1, Supplement), 59.
Tużnik, P., Augustynowicz, P., & Francuz, P. (2018). Electrophysiological correlates of timbre imagery and perception. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 129, 9–17.
Tużnik, P., & Francuz, P. (2019). Factor structure and test-retest reliability of the Polish version of the Clarity of Auditory Imagery Scale. Current Psychology, 40, 4364–4371.
Zabielska-Mendyk, E. (2021). O prof., Piotrze Francuzie. Przegląd Uniwersytecki, 1(33), 44–45.
Zabielska-Mendyk, E., Francuz, P., Jaśkiewicz, M., & Augustynowicz, P. (2018). The effects of motor expertise on sensorimotor rhythm desynchronization during execution and imagery of sequential movements. Neuroscience, 384, 101–110.
Zapała, D., Zabielska-Mendyk, E., Cudo, A., Krzysztofiak, A., Augustynowicz, P., & Francuz, P. (2015). Short-term kinesthetic training for sensorimotor rhythms: Effects in experts and amateurs. Journal of Motor Behavior, 47(4), 312–318.
Zapała, D., Francuz, P., Zapała, E., Kopiś, N., Wierzgała, P., Augustynowicz, P., Majkowski, A., & Kołodziej, M. (2018). The impact of different visual feedbacks in user training on motor imagery control in BCI. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 43(1), 23–35.
Zapała, D., Małkiewicz, M., Francuz, P., Kołodziej, M., & Majkowski, A. (2019). Temperament predictors of motor imagery control in BCI. Journal of Psychophysiology, 34(4), 246–254.
Zapała, D., Zabielska-Mendyk, E., Augustynowicz, P., Cudo, A., Jaśkiewicz, M., Szewczyk, M., Kopiś, N., & Francuz P. (2020). The effects of handedness on sensorimotor rhythm desynchronization and motor-imagery BCI control. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 2087.
Zapała, D., Iwanowicz, P., Francuz, P., & Augustynowicz, P. (2021). Handedness effects on motor imagery during kinesthetic and visual-motor conditions. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 13112.
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