Self-Esteem and Communication in the Perception of Women After the First and Subsequent Childbirth

Keywords: self-esteem, communication, marriage, women, childbirth, family psychology, parenthood


The aim of the research is to increase the knowledge of self-esteem and quality of communication in marriage in women after childbirth, taking into account the number of their children. The research group included 95 women after childbirth who completed the authors’ own sociodemographic questionnaire and two psychological standardized measures, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (SES) and Marriage Communication Questionnaire by Kaźmierczak and Plopa. It was found that self-esteem proved to be a positive predictor of perceived support and commitment provided by the partner only among mothers of two or more children, whereas in single mothers perceived support did not depend on the woman’s self-esteem. At the first birth, the support from the partner is not related to the mother’s level of self-esteem.


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