Personal experience: The object of qualitative personalistic analysis
The present conception of personal experience has its foundations and sources of inspiration in the assumptions of W. Stern’s, G. W. Allporfs and R. May's psychology, in E. Husser’s and E. Stein's phenomenological approach and in M. Heidegger’s existential analysis of human-existence-in-the-world. The personal character of experience in psychology is especially explicitly defined when it is stressed that (1) the person has an experience of the self as of the cognizing subject; (2) the person has an experience of being both the subject and the object; (3) the person has an experience of the-world-he-lives-in, and (4) the person has an experience of an existential event. In this context the belief is expressed that the distinguished aspects of personal experience may be the subject of a detailed analysis of empirical data collected in the form of written reports of an actual life event experienced by the person. Hence I suggest a procedure of qualitative analysis of life events that would be treated as a model, which I define – because of its assumptions - as qualitative personalistic analysis. In the final part of the paper I present - as an example - an analysis of M. Heidegger's own perceptive experience he described (of a blooming tree in the garden). The final result of this kind of analysis is a formulated individual and generalized structure of the described life event as a personal experience.
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