The Level of Test Performance WAIS-R(PL) in Various Age Groups
In all versions of Wechsler's intelligence scales for adults, with the exception of the last one (WAIS-III), the transformation of the raw scores into the scaled scores is made on the basis of the results of the so-called reference group, i.e. people aged 20-34. Wechsler chose this age limit, for the subject from that limit achieved highest performance in the majority of tests. This procedure allowed us to test the changes in various abilities caused by the age of the subjects. The paper sought to trace, whether and how, the level of the performance of Wechsler's tests various for different age groups in comparison with the reference group in the Polish version of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised WAIS-R(PL). The levels of performance have been analyzed, separately for each of the eleven tests constituting the scale WAIS-R(PL), profiles for the Full Scale, Verbal and Performance, and the profiles constructed on the basis of factor analysis of scales called Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization and Memory and Freedom from Distractability.
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