Towards an Integrated Science of Personality
Making an integrated science of personality, according to the proposals of McAdams (1996; 2001) and McCrae (1996), demands that personality should be taken as an object of research and theoretical reflection from three complementary perspectives: 1) the perspective rooted in the biology of the structure of traits, 2) a characteristic style of adaptation and motivation, 3) the processes of conferring meanings and creating the history of life. The specific character of the knowledge of personality is at the first level reflected by the theory of traits and behavioral genetics; at the second level by psychodynamic, sociobiological, cognitive, and humanistic theories; at the third level by the theory of script, narrative and existential conceptions. The complementary character of various approaches to personality has been underlined here, signaling some difficulties of integration, including definitional problems, different assumptions and theses, especially among the framework of cognitive psychology and psychodynamic conceptions. Some arguments have been given on behalf of the interrelationship between the variables from three distinguished levels of cognition. A postulate has been formulated to establish a non-eclectic theory of personality at a higher level of generality, meta-theory, constituting a level of agreement for the scholars who make use of different conceptual systems, and allowing to translate the results achieved at various fields.
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