Adaptation of Lane's and Schwartz's Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale

  • Dorota Szczygieł University of Gdańsk
  • Alina Kolańczyk University of Gdańsk


The paper presents adaptation of Levels of Emotional Awareness Scale (LEAS) created originally by Lane and Schwartz. According to their theory emotional awareness is a type of cognitive processing which undergoes five levels of structural transformation. LEAS is a written, projective instrument that asks subjects to describe her or his anticipated emotions and those of another person in each of 20 scenes described in 2 to 4 sentences. Scoring criteria allow to evaluate the degree of differentiation and integration of the words denoting emotions and the level of emotional awareness of the subject. Adaptation of the scale was conducted with a group of 113 subjects (aged – 19, equal number women and men) and group of 56 women (aged: 35 to 40). In order to establish reliability of the instrument three methods were used: 1) split-half reliability, 2) internal reliability and 3) test – retest reliability. All results obtained are showing high reliability of LEAS – PL. Validity of the scale was evaluated by showing its positive correlation with ALEX–40 (a questionnaire used for a measurement of alexithymia) and negative correlation with two verbal test of WAIS – R PL: Vocabulary and Comprehension. Construct validity was checked by group differences (women and men).


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