Religious Experience of the Beauty in Adolescents (Developmental Research of the People Aged 12-24)
The paper seeks to answer the following questions: 1) what are the forms under which the phenomena of the religious experience of beauty occur? 2) what are the differences here as regards age and sex? The paper is a continuation of research on religiosity (Wales 1997; 1998). In view of its theoretical foundations a definition of the religious phenomenon of the experience of beauty, its conditions, context factors, existential and purely aesthetic aspects, beauty in human life and others.
Forty people from each group have been examined: aged 12, 15, 18 and 24 (with equal sex groups). In order to gather data a standardized explorational interview has been used with a question about religious biography and 18 particular questions. The identified phenomena of the religious experience of beauty has been categorized according to the contents and parameters of religiosity. Thus established distributions of numbers have been presented in table one. Now, the differences in view of age and sex of the people under study have been shown in table two. The biggest scores have gained people aged 18, and as regards sex - women.
The paper has also discussed some issues of the religious experience of beauty in distress, the effects this experience of beauty has (mainly for religiosity and for the further course of life), the problem of spiritual ugliness as a passive and active negation of religious beauty (its consequences in life) and other.
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