The Need for Sense of Live Versus Self-concept

  • Ryszard Klamut


The paper attempts to show the relationship between the need for sense of life versus self-concept. Following Franki, the need for sense of life is understood as the basic power motivating man for action, for openness to sense and to carry out values. Now self-concept is a group of traits which an individual calls their own or themselves.

Two test were used in the study: SONG and ACL. Crumbaugh’s scale, SONG, defines the need to reach the sense of life in the situation when it is missing. High scores in the test point out that the sense of life has been lost and the need to reach it has increased. Now low scores show a proper way in which to satisfy the need under discussion. ACL was used to test self-concept and the level of self-acceptance.

A group of 107 subjects was examined (51% men and 49% women), all of them having their own families and working, aged 24 to 40.

The results confirmed a hypothesis that there are differences as to self-concept in people characterized by various levels of the need for the sense of life. The subjects with a low need define themselves in most positive terms, and are able to carry out independently their own goals and values. The subjects with a mean level of the need tend to contact other people, thus carrying into effect their sense of life. The subjects with a high level of the need tend to defend their status quo.


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