Self-concept and Success in School Among Pupils of Mid Primary Classes

  • Stanisława Tucholska Catholic University of Lublin


The studies referred to in this paper seek to grasp the relationship between self-concept and school results. The studies contained 120 pupils (58 girls and 62 boys) from the 4th and 5th forms of primary school. The subjects aged between 11.2 years to 12.9 years.

Taking into account the school results, three groups of subjects have been distinguished:

Gr. I (N = 40) consisted of pupils who had difficulties at school;
Gr. II (N = 40) consisted of mediocre pupils;
Gr. III (N = 40) consisted of pupils who obtained very good marks at school.

Self-concept was formulated according to the Polish version of Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale (P – HCS – CS).

The difference between the mean scores of the experimental groups is statistically significant almost in all the scales. They point that the pupils who have difficulties in studies have a low global self-concept and low assessment of particular self-concepts, except the Happiness and Satisfaction Scale. Now the pupils whose marks were either good or very good had in proportion better scores in self-concept, both in global and particular dimensions.

The scores point to a considerable interrelation between results in studies and self-concept at mid school-age.


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