Personal Resilience versus the Existential Dimensions of Evaluation

  • Zenon Uchnast Catholic University of Lublin


The act of valuation is multidimensional. Values are evaluated not only in the aspect of what “is pleasant,” but also in the aspect of what “is my desire,” “is a challenge for me and I feel obliged to put it into practice.” These three aspects are taken in the terms of V. Frankl’s logotherapy and A. Maslow’s theory of developmental needs, which not so much “push” but rather “pull” as a challenge to treat the world in its suchness, to a better insight into the reality, growth of tolerance and respect for others, to openness to positive interpersonal relations. Maslow describes two ways in which we can approach valuation. They have been operationalized in the terms of characterologically interpreted personal resiliency (PR), which in psychometry corresponds to J. Block’s Ego-Resiliency. A hypothesis has been put forward that the persons with a high PR are characterized by a greater ability to valuation along all the three dimensions and they differ from the persons with a low PR, especially as regards the evaluation of the same values in the aspect: “It is a challenge for me and I feel obliged to put it into practice.” That hypothesis has been confirmed on the basis of the analysis of the empirical data from the study on 153 subjects at the age of 17-18. The study was carried out by means of my own factor version of Maslow’s Security-Insecurity Inventory and the list of 60 values which were assessed separately on the 5-degree scale in view of the three aspects under question. It has been stated that the persons with a high PR assess 60 values in the aspect of “it is pleasant”; they are essentially different from the control group only as regards the assessment of the three values: family, moral good, and dignity of the person. Now as regards the assessment of the same list of values in the aspect “it is my desire” the group of a high PR ranked 10 values as being essentially higher: easiness in adjustment, finding one’s place in the world, personal dignity, social position, carrying out life tasks, abiding by norms and obligations, care about good opinion, respect, spontaneity and carrying out of tasks. Now as regards the assessment of the same list in the aspect of “it is a challenge for me and I feel obliged to put it into practice” the persons with a high PR considerably higher (in relation to the control group) evaluate the following 14 values: moral good, personal dignity, respect, abiding by the norms and obligations, justice, friendship, carrying out life tasks, help to other people, finding one’s place in the world, interests, wisdom, care about good opinion, to be an individuality, and the joy of life. An increase in the number of differentiating values along the dimensions “it is my desire” and “it is a challenge...” is interpreted as an indicator of a greater openness and readiness in the persons with a higher PR to value along all the existential dimensions. In like manner it is confirmed that the postulate to analyze valuation in all the three existential dimensions is right. The correlation between the increase of motivational dynamism and the level of PR is pinpointed, a correlation which conditions an adequate functioning in the interpersonal relations and the development towards emotional and social maturity which D. Goleman defines in terms of emotional intelligence.


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