Vision of Own Parenting in Singles and People Involved in a Romantic Relationship
Although it is generally assumed that experiences related to being in a romantic relationship are important for forming attitudes toward being a parent, yet there has been no reliable empirical evidence for that. Two empirical studies have been conducted to examine relations between status and length of romantic relationship and vision of own parenting (VOP). The first of them was conducted on 178 teenagers and young adults aged from 18 to 32 with the use of a survey related to predictions about being a parent in the future. In the second study, conducted on 413 young people aged from 17 to 29, the Vision of Own Parenting Questionnaire (VOPQ) was used. The structure and the content of the vision of own parenting of singles and people involved in a romantic relationship were compared. Relations between time spent in this relationship and extension of the VOP were also subject to examination. The results of both studies revealed that people involved in a romantic relationship value parenthood higher than singles, have a more extended vision of their own parenting, and have a greater desire to participate in different forms of preparation for being a parent. They also predicted more positive changes in the relationship with a life partner after childbirth, and had fewer doubts about being a parent in the future. These findings support the common thought and some theoretical concepts that being in a romantic relationship is related to forming attitudes toward being a parent in the future.
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