Interdisciplinary Approach to Humility: A Review of Handbook of Humility: Theory, Research, and Applications, Edited by Worthington et al.

Keywords: humility, intellectual humility, virtue, book review


Empirical science terminology generally understands humility as a self-view grounded trait characterized mainly by accurate self-awareness and manifested respect for others. Related studies have been carried out for almost 20 years; however, it is still a quite new area in psychological research. Moreover, this seems to be an interesting area because of rising egocentric and narcissistic tendencies that are inconsistent with humble attitudes. Handbook of Humility: Theory, Research, and Applications, reviewed here, offers an adequate basis for understanding humility. It presents main aspects of interdisciplinary approach to humility-related issues like definitions, measurement, and its manifestations in different contexts. Readers may find there many questions and thesis broadening their perspectives, which is a good starting point to carry out own research.


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