Mass Media in Janusz Korczak's Life. Inspirations for Social Work Today

  • Jarosław Jęczeń The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: Janusz Korczak; mass media; communications; social work


In 2012 seventy years passed from Janusz Korczak's death. Despite the time that passed his words and acts still teach how to understand and love a child. The power of this presence of Korczak in today's world should be used by all people responsible for the mass media and communication technologies. It is them that shape our interpersonal relations, them that co-create our identity, educate, integrate our families and the society. Korczak understood very well the effect of the media on the life of an individual, of a family and of the society, and he devoted a lot of time to literary and journalist work. At the basis of this work and his involvement in the mass media there was “a wise love” for the child, that we keep discovering anew even after so many years.


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