Faith in the Family

  • Mirosław Brzeziński The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Keywords: marriage; family; faith; testimony; message of faith


In his Apostolic Letter Porta fidei announcing the Year of Faith in the Church the Holy Father Benedict XVI pointed out that the family is one of the basic places, in which a man can grow up in faith, share his faith and develop his relation to Jesus Christ. It is so, because the family is the safest environment, as the relation of love that allows one to share his experiences, even the most intimate ones – and faith is such an experience – is at its foundations.

In the family message of faith a special role is played by the parents, who, on the strength of the sacrament of marriage, are supposed to develop their faith, and asking for the sacrament of holy baptism for their children should be the first heralds and witnesses of faith for them. Authenticity of experiencing faith in performing everyday family duties is an important element of sharing faith; it is a testimony about a personal encounter with Jesus Christ offered to the family members.


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