Naprawienie zaistniałego stanu rzeczy po zawarciu małżeństwa przez stronę łacińską ze stroną akatolicką obrządku wschodniego bez dyspensy od formy kanonicznej przy udziale świętego szafarza
Marriage contracted between a Catholic party and a non-Catholic spouse of an Eastern rite in Orthodox Church with no dispensation from the canonical form enjoys the favour of law. It means that within forum internum and forum externum it should be treated as contracted validly unless the church tribunal says it is invalid. A Catholic who in such circumstances utters his or her consensus commits a sin and crime which should be punished with just penalty. Such marriage should be noted in the marriage register of the parish in which it was contracted and in the baptism register of the Catholic party. The Catholic spouse is bound to notify as soon as possible the same ordinary and pastor about the marriage celebrated. Due to the complexity of the matter it is recommended that the priest before drawing the marital contract consult the local ordinary. If there were any premises which could lead to challenging the preassumtion of marriage validity, the ordinary should resolve whether this marriage could be convalidated or brought forward before the promoter of justice to question the validity of so contracted marriage. If any of the parties entered in marriage according to the law of their respective community, the first marriage has the favour of law. In such a case there are premises to proclaim the nullity of the marriage contracted in the Orthodox Church.
Bączkowicz F., Baron J., Stawinoga W., Prawo Kanoniczne. Podręcznik dla duchowieństwa, t. II, Opole 1958.
Biskupski S., Prawo małżeńskie Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego, t. II, Opole 1958.
Gajda P.M., Prawo małżeńskie Kościoła katolickiego, Tarnów 2005.
Góralski W., Kościelne prawo małżeńskie, Warszawa 2006.
Nowicka U., Stwierdzenie stanu wolnego wiernych prawosławnych na forum Kościoła katolickiego, Warszawa 2012.
Pawluk T., Prawo kanoniczne według kodeksu Jana Pawła II, t. I, Olsztyn 2002, t. III, Olsztyn 1996.
Syryjczyk J., Kanoniczne prawo karne. Część szczególna, Warszawa 2003.
Syryjczyk J., Kanoniczne prawo karne. Część ogólna. Komentarz, Warszawa 2008.
Wenz W., Kancelaria parafialna jako przestrzeń kościelnego posługiwania. Studium kanoniczno-pastoralne, Wrocław 2008.
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