Katalog metod prowadzenia czynności operacyjno-rozpoznawczych

  • Katarzyna Ożóg-Wróbel Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, Wydział Prawa, Prawa Kanonicznego i Administracji
Słowa kluczowe: czynności operacyjno-rozpoznawcze; cele i funkcje pracy operacyjnej; katalog metod czynności operacyjno-rozpoznawczych


The article discusses issues related to the methods of conducting operational reconnaissance. Although extremely important for the correctness of operational reconnaissance, such operations have not been regulated by any act in a comprehensive way. The existing legal regulations contained in acts on the functioning of specific state agencies authorised to initiate operational reconnaissance and those in extra-statutory regulations give rise to serious discrepancies in interpretation as well as legal chaos. For these reasons it makes sense to harmonize, organize, and consolidate the legal matter in a single legal act of statutory character. The article aims to provide a catalogue of operational methods, which, according to the Author, should include operational intelligence, penetration of the area, ambush, operational analysis, observation, cooperation with individuals, surveillance of correspondence, operational control, equipment, controlled purchase and delivery, and other special operations. The article offers a comparison of de lege lata and de lege ferenda proposals, emphasising the importance of inquiry procedures in diagnosis and prevention, the need for clear legal grounds for operational reconnaissance and for a complete catalogue of methods that will ensure the effectiveness of state services authorized to pursue reconnaissance operations.

Artykuły: Prawo