Przekazywanie informacji gospodarczych o dłużniku do biur informacji gospodarczych w świetle nowej stawy o udostępnianiu informacji gospodarczych i wymianie danych gospodarczych
This article is an analysis of legal regulations in the Law on access to economic information and exchange of economic data on 9 April 2010. The author brings the existing regulatory issues governing the marketing of information about consumer and business commitments, as well as provide a comparison of these issues in light of the Law of 14.02.2003 on access to economic information. The article exposes the possibility of using existing legislation and presents an assessment of their usefulness in the development of market and economic information for improving economic relations. The publication also presents the issues of economic conditions for the exchange of information with institutions, such as data, the rules of disclosure, storage, update and delete. The article compares the legal solutions adopted in the cited above, the Act of April 9, 2010 with pre-existing regulations in this matter.
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