Choroba psychiczna jako przeszkoda do święceń w Kodeksie Prawa Kanonicznego Jana Pawła II

  • Przemysław Jaroszyński Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Słowa kluczowe: choroba psychiczna; świecenia; przeszkody do święceń


The foregoing thesis entitled Mental illness as impediments to holy orders in the Code of Canon Law by John Paul II attempts to delineate the topic of mental disorder, immaturity as canonical impediments to holy orders. The author delineates the topic of mental disorder and immaturity as impediments to holy orders stemming from the human aspect of the priesthood .

He briefly characterises the most common mental disorders such as mental confusion, schizophrenia, madness, depression, oligophrenia, neurotic disorder, sexual dysfunction, addictive dysfunctions, and other. He attempts to present why a man suffering from abovementioned disorders cannot be allowed to admit to holy orders. The author also discusses the content of mental disorder as abnormality in admitting to holy orders, included by the legislator in Canon 1041, n.1. This chapter also concerns content of psychological immaturity as incapability of being ordained. The author, analysing particular Codes of Canon Law of 1983, presents psychological attributes that the legislator requires from a prospective priest.

Artykuły: Prawo Kanoniczne