Pracownicy duszpasterstwa rodzin w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II i Konferencji Episkopatu Polski
The notion of pastoral care of families is to be understood as existing and active Church structures, and it should include: Episcopate Commission for Families, diocesan, district, deanery, parish structures, as well as everything that is done for the benefit of families within the scope of pastoral care. The crucial obligations of this kind of service follow from the Magisterium. In this respect, John Paul II made a great contribution. In his documents, he placed particular emphasis on this issue as well as its impact on the stability of family and spousal faithfulness. The Episcopate Commission clearly saw the significance of family pastoral care, publishing numerous important documents.
The crucial area of pastoral care is family itself. Beside family, according to John Paul II, the following workers of pastoral care must be enumerated: bishops, presbyters, nuns, religious clergy, trained laity as well as recipients and workers of the mass media.
The chief purpose of this study is to attract the readers’ attention to the workers of family pastoral care and their great importance in the formation of marriage and family. Their role in family destruction prevention in Poland cannot be underrated, too.
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