Zgoda pacjenta na zabieg leczniczy. Elementy prawne

  • Marta Migalska
Słowa kluczowe: zgoda pacjenta; podmiot uprawniony do wyrażenia zgody; zgoda zastępcza; zgoda kumulatywna


The issues that are in focus of this article provoke a number of controversies, giving rise to numerous opinions, not only within the doctrine of law but also among physicians. This variety provides one with a chance to formulate one’s view in this respect.

The article presents the basic concepts pertaining to the consent of a patient or another authorised entity, relevant legal regulations (both in domestic and international legislation), issues relating to the subject who is entitled to give consent, surrogate consent and cumulative consent, which essentially involve someone agreeing for the patient or in conjunction with his/her consent. Such external subjects include a statutory representative, de facto care-giver, or possibly a guardianship court.

Biogram autora

Marta Migalska

Mgr Marta Migalska – absolwentka WPPKiA KUL, specjalista w Ministerstwie Sprawiedliwości, Wydział Skarg i Wniosków Biura Ministra

Artykuły: Prawo